
My Name is Chang Hoe Tyng.

I’m a Year 2 Computer Science with A.I. Student.

Hi, my name is Chang Hoe Tyng. I’m a year 2 Computer Science with A.I. student that are currently studying in University of Nottingham. 

I enjoy learning things that are tech-related whether that be a new framework or new tech stacks which leads me to innovate personal projects and acquiring better knowledge in this field during my pastime.

My relationship with computers began at the age of 6 when my parents bought me my first computer. I was amazed at how the internet can connect millions of people worldwide just by using a cable and to me, it was magical, From then on, I was inspired to become a computer scientist where I too can perform the “magic”. I was ecstatic when I wrote my first HTML page at the age of 13 where it displayed my name and an about me tab which was pretty satisfying at that time. But I knew it wasn’t enough, and so I embarked on a journey to learn new programming languages and new frameworks on Youtube.

A few technologies I’ve been working with recently:



Featured Projects
Toll Calculator
  • Used google maps platform and React to build a simple closed-toll calculator that allows users to calculate toll fares.
Nottingham Utilities Mobile App
  • Ease students on booking school utilities where students are able to book utilities using their phone. 
  • As the scrum master and technical lead, I led a team of 6 across broad technical disciplines and defined project scope and schedule for timely delivery of a year-long project.
  • Uses both React and React Native as the frontend, Mongoose as the ODM, MongoDB as the database and Node.js with ExpressJS for the backend.

More Projects

Infix Prefix Postfix Converter

  • Convert expressions between infix prefix and postfix 
  • Evaluate expressions from infix prefix and postfix

Frogger Arcade Game

  • Maintained a current frogger game by refactoring the original code and adding new features into it. 


  • Created a TicTacToe using MATLAB GUIs
  • Consists of Single-player and Multiplayer with 3 difficulties on Single-player.